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Students will...
Respect other students’ learning and not interrupt or distract them.
Respect Mr. Nally’s instruction time and not interrupt when he is working with another student.
Set specific and achievable due dates, task lists, and goals based on assignments and learning objectives from their teachers of record. Students will share these goals with Mr. Nally as part of the distance learning school’s study skills and self-regulation curriculum.
Take responsibility for their own learning. Mr. Nally is here to teach and aid, but will not complete assignments or take tests for students.
Actively participate in any all-student discussions or lessons around core math or science topics, study skills, goal setting, time management or other.
Follow the cell phone policy which includes checking in phones upon arrival. Phones can be used during break or if needed for a specific app or class, though proof will be needed.
Respect their own time, Mr. Nally’s time, and their parents’ time and money by focusing on schoolwork during the time they are with Mr. Nally. This includes no social media or games on their computer
Be prepared to show Mr. Nally what is on their computer screens at any time.
Use respectful language and good manners at all times and with everyone in the classroom.
Del Paso Manor, Sacramento
Though based in a private residence, Sac STEM tutoring is a classroom, with the same expectations for focus, respect and behavior.
Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm
Safety and Supervision
All tutoring is done by Mr. Nally, a certified teacher who has working in Sacramento City Unified and Washington Unified School districts.Â
Students will not be alone in the home with Mr. Nally, as Mrs. Nally will be in the back rooms of the home supervising kindergarten instruction for our daughter and two other students on Monday - Friday.
Any time Mrs. Nally is not also in residence baby monitors will be activate to ensure student safety